Map of Carradale Bay Caravan Park, Argyll and Bute

Carradale Bay Caravan Park, Nr Campbeltown
Situated on the edge of Carradale Bay, one of the best beaches on the Kintyre peninsula, this spacious site boasts panoramic views over the sea and surrounding countryside. [more...]

From Tarbert (Loch Fyne:
Take the A83 to Cambeltown.
Turn left onto the B842 signposted Carradale and in 14.25 miles at T junction, turn right onto the B879. In half a mile at park sign, turn right onto entrance road to park (half a mile).

Alternatively from the A83 onto single track road B8001 to Cloanig and then the B842 to Carradale if you feel confident on a single track road.